
The school follows CCE Pattern of Education under Karnataka Secondary Board of Education.

  1. F A 1 , F A 2, F A 3 & F A 4 (Formative Assessment)
  2. S A 1 & S A 2 (Summative Assessment)
  3. F A 1 in the month of June, FA 2 in the month of August, FA3 in the month of December, FA 4 in the month of February. SA 1 in the month of September, SA 2 in the month of March.
  4. S.S.L.C: 4 FAs and a Midterm in the month of September, Preparatory starts in the month of January. Students write all the three preparatory: School Preparatory, District Preparatory and State Preparatory. Board Exams are conducted by Karnataka Secondary Board of Education in the month of March/April.