Kids Meet
The first event , Kids Meet in connection with Centenary Year was organised in our school ground. 255 children of various schools of Mangaluru participated in this event. Dr. Praveen Kumar K.C. , President of Parent Teacher Association was the guest of the day. Sri. K. Devananda Pai, Asst. Secretary , Womens National Education Society and Corrrespondent of Besant Womens College, Sri. Sathish Kumar Bhat ,correspondent of Besant English School, Sri. Manel Annappa Nayak , Sri. Nagar Narayan Shenoy, Sri. Suresh Mallya were present. Sri. K. Devananda Pai , Chairman of Centenary committee delivered his presidential address. Head Mistress Smt. Shanthi Lobo welcomed the gathering. The correspondent of the school Sri. Sathish Kumar Bhat addressed the gathering. Parent Teacher Association Vice President Sri Devi Prasad Shetty and all other executive committee members of P.T.A. were present. The coordinator of Dairy Day Mr. Praveen Nayak was present.
The event was as follows : -
Category 1 : [ L.K.G. & U.K.G. ] 1. Tricycle Race 2. Frog Race. 3. Find out the colours.
Category 2 : [ I & II STD. ] 1. 50 mtr. Race. 2. Card Game . 3. Throw ball throw.
Category 3 : [ III &IV STD ] 1. 75 mtr Race 2. Card board game. 3. Shuttle relay.